Church and State at
The Berkshire Theatre Group
Jerome plays the boozy, sex-driven southern wife with great conviction. She is erotic, emotional, quixotic and confusingly rational in turns and each facet of Sara's personality is painted in broad strokes by the actress making it impossible to ignore who and what she is and what she means to Charles from moment to moment. She has some of the funniest physical business to play and in the final sequence of the play she morphs into a recognizable figure, a responsible, adult woman taking her place in the pantheon of potentially great ladies.
-J Peter Bergman, Berkshire Bright Focus
Judy Jerome gives a powerhouse performance as the Senator’s wife Sara. This actress runs an incredible gamut from conventional politician expected-wife behavior to Southern-belle hissy fits, down-home wisdom and more than a little feminism and independence. Jerome’s monologue about her husband’s legislative amendment is a masterpiece.
-Mary Fernandez-Sierra,
Sara, expertly played by Judy Jerome… Church and State rises and falls on the strengths and foibles of its characters, none of whom, especially Jerome’s shrewdly crafted Sara, behave predictably..
-Jeffrey Borak, The Berkshire Eagle